Doors will remained locked during the school day. Parents will gain access into the building from the front office staff. ALL visitors must scan their license to receive a visitor's badge, NO EXCEPTIONS! Badges are time-sensitive and must be worn at all times while in the building. Please keep in mind that while this procedure might take a little longer, all measures are being taken to keep your child safe during the school day.
Guest must sign in at the office and receive a visitor sticker. Photo I.D. is required. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Home/School Connection |
To help our students meet with success, it is important for parents and the school to maintain frequent contact. The agenda/homework book is our primary method of daily communication. Students are responsible for bringing home the agenda/homework book each day. This will give parents the opportunity to review homework assignments, check for teacher notes and other important information. At the end of the school day, each student also fills in a calendar daily to inform parents of the color on which he/she completed the day. Parents are requested to sign the agenda/homework book and look at the calendar each night.